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1.  中国现场统计研究会试验设计分会常务理事

2.  全国工业统计学教学研究会理事

3.  中国数学学会均匀设计分会理事

4.  美国数学评论评论员

5. 湖南省数学学会理事

6.Journal of  Statistical PlanningInference, Metrika, Statistical Papers, Scandinavian  Journal of StatisticsStatistics  & Probability Letters, Communications in Statistics - Simulation and  ComputationStatistics  and Its InterfaceComputational  Statistics, Journal of Applied Statistics, Journal of the Korean Statistical  Society, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, Communications in  Statistics-Theory and Methods等多个SCI  收录源刊审稿人



(1) Hu  Liuping, Li Hongyi, Ou Zujun*, Constructing optimal four-level designs via  Gray map code. Metrika, 2018, DOI: 10.1007/s00184-018-0685-9 (SCI收录)

(2) Ou Zujun,  Zhang Minghui, Qin Hong*, Tripling of fractional factorial designs. Journal  of Statistical Planning and Inference, 2019, 199: 151-159 (SCI收录)

(3) Hu Liuping, Chatterjee Kashinath, Liu Jiaqi, Ou  Zujun*, New Lower bound for Lee discrepancy of asymmetrical factorials,  Statistical Papers, 2018, DOI: 10.1007/s00362-018-0998-9 (SCI收录)

(4) Liu Jiaqi,  Ou Zujun*, Hu Liuping, Wang Kang, Lee discrepancy on mixed two- and  three-level uniform augmented designs, Communications in Statistics-Theory  and Methods, 2018, DOI: 10.1080/03610926.2018.1465087 (SCI收录)

(5) Ou Zujun,  Qin Hong*, Optimal foldover plans of asymmetric factorials with minimum  wrap-around L2-discrepancy. Statistical Papers, 2017, Doi:  10.1007/s00362-017-0892-x (SCI收录)

(6) Ou Zujun,  Qin Hong*, Chatterjee Kashinath, Some new lower bounds to various  discrepancies on combined designs, Communications in Statistics-Theory and  Methods, 2017, 46(7): 3244-3254 (SCI收录)

(7) Ou Zujun,  Qin Hong*, Analytic connections between a double design and its original design  in terms of different optimality criteria, Communications in  Statistics-Theory and Methods, 2017, 46(15): 7630-7641 (SCI收录)

(8) Ou Zujun,  Qin Hong*, Cai Xu, Optimal foldover plans of three-level designs with minimum  wrap-around L2-discrepancy, Science China Mathematics, 2015,  58(7): 1537-1548 (SCI收录)

(9) Ou Zujun,  Qin Hong*, Li Hongyi, Some lower bounds of centered L2-discrepancy  of 2s-k designs and their complementary designs, Statistical  Papers, 2015, 56(4): 969-979 (SCI收录)

(10) Ou Zujun,  Qin Hong*, Cai Xu, A lower bound for the wrap-around L2-discrepancy  on combined designs of mixed two- and three-level factorials, Communications  in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 2014, 43(10-12): 2274-2285 (SCI收录)

(11) Ou Zujun,  Qin Hong*, Cai Xu, Partially replicated two-level fractional factorial  designs via semifoldover, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference,  2013, 143(4): 809-817(SCI收录)

(12) Ou Zujun,  Qin Hong*, Li Hongyi, Connections among different criteria for optimal factor  assignments, Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 2012, 41(2):  241-250 (SCI收录)

(13) Ou Zujun  , Chatterjee Kashinath, Qin Hong*, Lower bounds of various discrepancies on  combined designs, Metrika, 2011, 74(1): 109-119 (SCI收录)

(14) Ou Zujun, Qin Hong*, Li Hongyi, Optimal blocking  and foldover plans for non-regular two-level designs, Journal of Statistical  Planning and Inference, 2011, 141(5): 1635-1645 (SCI收录)

(15) Ou Zujun,  Qin Hong*, Some applications of indicator function in two-level factorial  designs, Statistics & Probability Letters, 2010, 80(1): 19-25 (SCI收录)

(16) Li  Hongyi, Li Qisheng, Ou Zujun*, Construction of Sudokudesigns and Sudoku-based  uniform designs,Statistics & Probability Letters,2014, 89: 51-57 (SCI收录)

(17)  Chatterjee Kashinath, Ou Zujun, Phoa Frederick Kin Hing, Qin Hong*, Uniform  four-level designs from two-level designs: a new look, Statistica Sinica,  2017, 27(1): 171-186 (SCI收录)

(18) Tian  Guoliang*, Ou Zujun, Zhang Chi, Ng Kai Wang, G and related distributions with  applications in reliability growth analysis, Statistics and Its Interface,  2016, 9(3): 315-332 (SCI收录)  

(19) Qin  Hong*, Chatterjee Kashinath, Ou Zujun, A lower bound for the centered L2-discrepancy  on combined designs under the asymmetric factorials, Statistics, 2013, 47(5):  992-1002 (SCI收录)

(20) Lei Yiju,  Ou Zujun, Zou Na, Qin Hong, A note on lower bound of centered L2-discrepancy  on combined designs, Acta Mathematica Sinica (English Series), 2012, 28(4):  793-800 (SCI收录)

(21) 雷轶菊, 欧祖军,李洪毅*, 均匀的三水平扩展设计, 应用数学学报,2018, 41(5):  676-688 (CSCD收录,B)

(22) 雷轶菊, 欧祖军*, 三水平U型设计在对称化L2-偏差下的下界, 应用数学学报,2018, 41(1):  138-144 (CSCD收录,B)

(23) 覃红, 欧祖军*Chatterjee Kashinath,四水平计算机试验设计的构造, 中国科学:数学,2017,  47(9): 1089-1100 (CSCD收录,B)

(24) 雷轶菊, 欧祖军*, 扩大设计的中心化L2-偏差的新下界, 应用数学学报,2017,   40(6): 841-848 (CSCD收录,B)

(25) 雷轶菊,欧祖军,覃红,  (sr)× sn正规部分因子设计折叠反转的性质, 数学物理学报,2011,  31A(4): 978-982 (CSCD收录,C)



1. 国家自然科学基金地区项目,11561025,区组设计的最小低阶投影均匀性理论及应用研究,2016/01-2019/12  


3. 湖南省自然科学基金项目,2017JJ2218,部分因析设计含列置换的最优折叠反转及应用研究,2017/01-2019/12  

4. 湖南省教育厅优秀青年项目,14B146,半折叠反转设计的均匀性理论及应用,2014/06-2016/12,已结题


(1) 欧祖军(1/2), 博士学位论文:部分因析设计的最优折叠反转及相关问题的研究,中华人民共和国国家统计局,第十一届全国统计科学研究优秀成果奖博士论文奖,二等奖, 2013 (欧祖军,覃红)

(2) 欧祖军(1/2), 博士学位论文:部分因析设计的最优折叠反转及相关问题的研究,湖北省人民政府学位委员会/湖北省教育厅,湖北省优秀博士学位论文,  2012 (欧祖军,覃红)

(3) 湖南省高校青年骨干教师,2014/01-2016/12 (结题为优秀)

(4) 欧祖军(1/4),折叠反转设计的均匀性理论及其应用,湖南省人民政府,湖南省自然科学奖,三等奖,2017  (欧祖军,覃红,李洪毅,黎奇升)

